Your CV must include:
1. Name, professional title and contact details
(This should be at the top of the page)
2. Personal profile
A short paragraph just underneath the name and contact giving prospective employees (in our case prospective investors) an overview of who you and what you are all about.
This section should be ‘tailored’ to the shark tank investment
You can address who you are , what can you offer by getting the investment and what are your career goals.
3. Experience and employment history
These should be listed in reverse chronological order.
State job title, employer, dates of work and a line that summarises the role.
Then bullet point key responsibilities, skills and achievements.
If you have a lot of experiences, state the ones that are most relevant.
4. Education and qualifications
Also should be in reverse chronological order
5. Additional section
You could include your key skills, hobbies and interests.
In terms of formatting and spacing, the CV should be no longer than 3 pages and no shorter than 1 page.
Each section must contain a heading in bold
Fonts should be calibri or Arial
Body of the CV should be between 10- 12 font size and headings between 14-18. Page margins should be around 2.5 cm and no less than 1.27 cm .
Ensure to proofread as even spellings may be flagged.
Use tailored words specific to shark tank as mentioned above.
Show why you deserve the investment.
Including your photo at the top is optional.
Your Business Report (min 7 max 25 pages) must include:
B. Business incorportion certificate
C. Birth certificate
D. Proof to be member of khoja jamaat.
E. Proof that the owner of the business/submitter of the report owns 50 percent or more of the business.
F. details on how the business is solving a problem existing in their respective city and creating job opportunities for others in the jamaat.G. Empirical forecasts for the next 2 years with justificationH. In depth and detailed explanation on the utilisation of investment price of 3000 usd (that shall be presented in the next years competition in the jamaatI. Details on marketing tools used, like advertising on social media etc
J. Details on khums paymentand calculation
K. lastly, formatting is very important. spelling mistakes, punctuation will be flagged.